Monday, December 8, 2008

Fred Thompson | The Economy Explained

As sarcastic and funny as this is, it really isn't. The reason I posted it is because in very simple English, Fred explains the financial burden that we are about to place on our children, and the regulatory chipped world that is to follow.

Now I understand if this sounds harsh. The video is not. I actually understood the problem better now that he explained what it is. I like what he has to say, an yes I'm about as tired of it as you are.  But we all owe ourselves a favor to think about the future we are creati9ng right now. The future begins with the decisions made in the present or overlooked in the past.

My question is this: How are we going to explain to our children that the world that they live in, where they were sold into slavery was created so as to ease the concerns of elite? And worse, to make us comfortable in the process. Are we OK with this?

Monday, December 1, 2008

We're in a Recession? | Should we worry?

Here's the link. I forgot to post this earlier. My bad...

Government Says "We've been in a recession since December 2007"

Again I am stunned by their admission of the obvious. Now we can all be assured that we are in the loop.

We're in a Recession? | The US Says So!

The Government of these United States announced that we are in fact in a recession. That was today. Here I was in my cozy little world thinking that we were out of this mess, that the thousands of jobs lost all over America was somehow something else!

I was a bit suspicious when I was seeing gas prices going down, and noticed that certain foods had gone up of course. I was a bit dubious when I read that nearly 50,000 jobs were lost within the last two weeks... But really, a recession?

How dumb are we anyway? Didn't we give the the elites 700 billion? Seriously... I'm popping off a vein as I write. These people need to be put on a stick and fried. But...

Hello!!! We have been in a recession for some time now. In case there is any Government elected official on this continent that doesn't know this... Please, sit down. We are in a recession, man.

But for the love of all that this wonderful country stands for, don't let it turn into a depression. We are not there yet, and I don't want to know what it is like. I don't want this for you, my family, your enemies, anyone. So carefully review what it is that you do and make some sound decisions as the public servants you are supposed to be. You know why? Because it seems to me that you don't realize what a country full of really pissed off citizens are likely to do when the shit hits the fan. I'll fill you in...


Monday, September 8, 2008

Russian Ships Heading for the Atlantic...


From now on, I will posting the links at the top of my post to reference the original information. I want to respect the sites that carry these stories, and let you see that my information is not without merit.

According to several news sites, excluding CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC Russian ships are headed to the Atlantic ocean to participate in operations with Venezuela.  Here's a short quote from the story:

"In line with the 2008 training program and in order to expand military cooperation with foreign navies Russia will send in November a naval task force from the Northern Fleet, comprising nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy and support ships, to the Atlantic Ocean," Capt. 1st Rank Igor Dygalo said.

During the tour of duty, the Russian warships will participate in joint naval exercises with the Venezuelan navy.

"The decision to conduct Russian-Venezuelan naval exercises was adopted at the meeting between presidents in July this year," Dygalo said.

"During the exercise, ships and naval aircraft will practice coordinated maneuvering, search-and-rescue, and communications," he said.

It seems to me that this is an important news item. I Googled it and the mainstream has not reported a thing on it.

Bush administration freezes Russia nuclear pact

This is proof that all is not well, but it does appear that government is now quite aware that Russia is no longer a sleeping bear. There should be more things like this, I suspect. Although the story on Reuters, I have not seen much coverage in mainstream media. Shouldn't it be on the news? Oh, right. Then we would have to be told how Georgia attacked Russia first, wouldn't we?  

By Sue Pleming Mon Sep 8, 4:26 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Monday froze a lucrative civilian nuclear pact with Russia, the first big penalty imposed on Moscow after its war with Georgia but one that can be reversed.

"The president intends to notify Congress that he has today rescinded his prior determination regarding the U.S.-Russia agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation, the so-called 1-2-3 Agreement," said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

While Bush's decision to withdraw the agreement from congressional review was seen as punitive, it was also meant to preserve the deal, a senior U.S. official said.

That official said the administration wanted to ensure the accord did not go to a vote in Congress, where it could have been rejected following Russia's military action in Georgia. If rejected, it would be difficult for a new presidential administration to pursue the agreement in the future.

"It (the nuclear accord) was likely to be killed simply as a protest in the Senate and so therefore what we are doing is rescinding the certificate that he (President Bush) had to give due to the situation in Georgia," said the senior U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"It is something that we can reverse at any time either by sending a new certificate or lifting this action," he added. "What it does is freezes the status of it."

Bush or a future president could resubmit it for consideration by Congress, which would have 90 legislative days to block it.

Rice also made clear the decision was not final.

"We make this decision with regret. Unfortunately given the current environment the time is not right for this agreement. We will reevaluate the situation at a later date as we follow developments closely," her statement said.

In Moscow, a nuclear official also said it was the only way to save the deal and the White House had explained this.

"We have recently received a letter from the White House where they mentioned that this was the only way to save this agreement for the new administration," the official said.

"Otherwise the agreement would be definitely blocked in the current political conditions which would have meant practically starting the entire work from the beginning again," the source said.


Several U.S. lawmakers came out in support of the move.

"This was a wise decision," said California Rep. Howard Berman, Democratic chair of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee. "Congress has little appetite at the moment for new and sweeping measures that would assist Russia."

Michigan Rep. John Dingell, Democratic chair of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, agreed.

"Even without Russia's incursion into Georgia, Russian support for Iranian nuclear and missile programs alone is enough to call into question the wisdom of committing to a 30-year agreement to transfer sensitive nuclear technologies and materials to Russia," Dingell said.

The deal was aimed at lifting Cold War limits on trade and opening the U.S. civilian nuclear market and Russia's uranium fields to companies from both countries. Lawmakers in Congress had already raised concerns about it before the Georgia war.

The collapse of the deal is the first tangible penalty Washington has imposed on Russia after its war with Georgia over the two breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which are closely allied with Moscow.

The Bush administration is looking at other ways to show its displeasure with Georgia, including moves to scuttle Moscow's attempt to join the World Trade Organization.

However, Washington was very aware it should not take actions that would jeopardize long-term relations with Moscow. In addition, U.S. business interests have warned the White House not to go too far.

"All of our efforts with Russia, we are carefully tailoring to ensure that they are reversible if Russia ... takes actions to show that this is not the beginning of a major turn in Russian global affairs," said the senior U.S. official.

Georgia tried to retake control of South Ossetia in early August but its troops were quickly repelled by Russian forces. In the battle, Moscow's troops drove deep into Georgian territory, drawing international condemnations.

Despite agreeing to a French-brokered cease-fire, Moscow has kept troops on Georgian soil, saying its remaining forces were peacekeepers allowed by the pact to stay behind.

(Additional reporting by David Alexander and Jeremy Pelofsky, editing by Kristin Roberts and Vicki Allen)

Dan Rather | American Hero

When I say this little video, I was quite moved, and it gave me a little push that says what I'm about to do here is a good thing. He deserves your attention, and please note... If you don't know who he is... Well, let's just say nothing more than the greatest reporter alive today.

Understand that what he's saying, conspiracy theorists have been saying for years. But who knew? Who paid attention? This is a fine example of an American who sees something wrong, and implores his countrymen to do something about it.

Mediacrisy | How Our Media Lies

I am writing this and citing an interview with Russia's prime minister as an example of how our media spins tales for our current regime. But before I begin my rant, I want to make something absolutely clear: I LOVE THE USA. I am not a a terrorist sympathizer nor am I a complete liberal. I am first and foremost, a human being who thought he lived in a FREE COUNTRY. And like most Americans, I used to believe what I heard on the News. Secondly, I want the truth. Now onto my roast...

I had often thought that in more recent years that the truth in news reporting had gone downhill. I first really began to understand it when the news had not reported millions of missing currency lost in Iraq while totally hyping up Anna Nicole Smith's death. How could we lose a trillion dollars and no one got mad? How can we be 'nation building' while here in America our own housing problem rises, and our economy heads further and further down... And yet, the media puts a spin on it. Iran is the culprit now, and Russia.

Wait. Russia? Ask anyone on the street what's going on and they will tell you that the evil Russians attacked Georgia, a country that they've never heard of until now. And suddenly they are the allies we need to protect. The media has so far spun this story to make the Russians look like the aggressors. That is in fact, not true. Most of the world reported the story differently, and yet Fox, CBS, NBC and all the corporate neo-con media still spins it contrary to the facts. When do we step in and say, "What the fuck?"

August 28, 2008, 20:13

U.S. may have staged Georgian conflict - Putin

In an interview with CNN Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict may have been staged to secure a victory for one of the presidential candidates in the U.S. He says preliminary reports show that U.S. citizens may have been present in the combat zone.

“We have serious reasons to believe that American citizens were right at the heart of the military action. This would have implications for American domestic policy. If this is confirmed, we will have grounds to suspect that somebody in the U.S. has created this conflict to aggravate the situation and create a competitive advantage for one of the presidential candidates”.

Russia’s Prime Minister also commented on the media coverage of the recent events.

“As far as the perception of these events by the general public goes, it depends not only on politicians, but also on how artful they are in controlling the mass media. And our American colleagues do this much better than we do and there's a lot we can learn from them”.
Putin stressed that Russia did not attack and cannot be portrayed as an aggressor.
“We didn’t attack anyone, we were attacked and therefore we need guarantees that we won’t be attacked again, and that our citizens won't be killed. They are trying to present us as aggressors”.

The Prime Minister has given a detailed chronology of the events between August 7 and 10.

“On 7 August, at 14:42, the Georgian peacekeepers left the headquarters of the peacekeeping forces under the pretext that they'd received orders from their commanders to leave their posts, and they never returned.
One hour later, heavy artillery shelling began.
At 22:35 a massive bombardment of Tsklhinval started. At 22:50 the transfer of Georgian ground troops started to the combat area. At the same time Georgian field hospitals were set up.

And at 23:30 the Brigadeer General commanding the Georgian peacekeeping forces announced that Georgia has declared a war against South Ossetia. They announced this publicly, looking straight into the TV cameras.
At that point we tried to contact the Georgian leadership, but everyone refused to talk to us.
At 12:45 AM on the 8th of August the Georgian commander repeated his statement. So who attacked whom?”
The former Russian president reiterated that the country has ‘no intention of attacking anyone, or of fighting a war with anyone’.
“For eight years while I was President I often heard one and the same question – what place does Russia think it should occupy in the world? We are a peace-loving state and want to co-operate with all our neighbours and other states. But if someone thinks they can just come in and kill us, and that our place is in the cemetery, these people should think of the consequences of such policies”.

This is what the world says. What does your TV say?

This is a test.

This is a test of the emergency posting system. This allows me to post to this blog without being online, and later publish from undisclosed locations. If this post is a success, you should be reading this text. This post will self-destruct in 10 days.

For now, just a hello to the world...

Who knows. This may be a huge mistake. I mean, who am I to question society, government, the news media and all those fundamentalists who want to rule the world?

Well, I'm just a regular guy, but different. I'm different because my views are tainted by worldly experiences, an open mind, and racial blindness. I don't like watching reality TV because I consider my own life to be much more important to experience. I love to research things and get at the heart of the matter. I am an artist. I am a father. I am a husband. A brother. Your friend, whether we've met or not, whether we agree or not. I simply am. I am that, I am.

Expect the unexpected here. There is nothing in the way of news that's worthy to me that i won't report. Sometimes it will be strange, like UFO sightings or something. Other times it will be disturbing, like the police state America is turning into. I offer only one promise, and that is to give you the tidbits I find with honest commentary from the heart.